Nudem Durak is no longer in Mardin. She was transferred to the Bayburt prison. This is 600 km away from her family! Her mother can no longer visit her as she is not up to the hardships of the trip.

Nudem Durak is no longer in Mardin. She was transferred to the Bayburt prison. This is 600 km away from her family! Her mother can no longer visit her as she is not up to the hardships of the trip.
It is the F-Dur society. Here you can see some members wearing a shirt of The Voice Project which shows solidarity for political persecuted artists, too.
Great Action by Nadya Tolokonnikova (Pussy Riot).
In the context of “The Voice Project” Nadya shows solidarity to Nudem Durak.
To the 30 November 2016 you can support the campaign by buying a shirt right here (see picture).
The latest news are shocking. The sentence against Nudem Durak has been changed drastically. Instead of 10,5 years in prison now it is 19,5 years. New allegations didn´t emerge. Without any proof she got blamed “to be a member of a terrorist group”. Her real “crime” is singing kurdish songs. The life of a young woman gets ruined.
Now it is important to develop a huge campaign of solidarity!
Artist show solidarity to artists!
Art is not allowed to rot in prison!
Source: Özgür Gün
SONG FOR NUDEM DURAK by David Steffen and Stefan Steffen
I wrote the song to call attention to the injustice that happened to Nudem Durak in Turkey. We all know about the despot who governs that country. Not only journalists and writers suffer under that government. Musicians and actors are jailed in turkish prisons as well. This is my contribution as a musician to show solidarity. With the help of friends, my brother David and my sister Kerstin, I was able to record this song. It would be great if more musicians showed their solidarity, too. (Stefan Steffen)